Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sorry, my dear taste buds

It's a cool 50-degree day. I was standing outside of the office building.
My body was saying, "let's have something nice and warm."
Yes, I was craving noodle soup.
There is a very good Ramen shop about 8 blocks away, but I was
feeling a little bit lazy. I decided to search around nearby.
I ended up in a Sushi place at 27th Street.
I ordered a Chicken Soba Soup. When the girl at the counter keyed in
my order, I saw a Chinese message window poping up on the monitor.

"Oh! No!" My Fake-Japanese-Restaurant Alarm was immediately triggered.
I know that Chinese people are totally capable of making amazing food,
but I've never had any good Japanese food in New York from a restaurant
that ran by non-Japanese. I've had good Japanese food in Taiwan, made
by Taiwanese chefs. Because Taiwan is deeply influenced by Japanese
culture, it's not rare for Taiwanese chefs spending years in Japan learning
true Japanese cuisine. However, it's not the same case for New York.
I'm not an expert of Japanese cuisine, but I do know the bad one
when I taste it. And this is definitely one of them.

First of all, the noodles were white! Soba supposed to be the
brown/grey color buckwheat noodles. This shouldn't even be called Soba
since it didn't use Soba. Second, the noodles were totally overcooked.
For me, the mushy noodle soup is one of the least appetizing food.
Third, the chicken was plain and the vegetables looked like some leftover
bits from other dishes. Four, the broth was too sweet and it had no depth
at all. The funny thing is, it tasted just like the other fake Japanese noodle
soup I had before. Why the bad ones all taste similar? Is there some sort of
fake-Japanese-food conference they all go to?

I stopped eating the moment I didn't feel hungry, and had to drink
some water to get rid of that weird sweet taste of the broth.
I was so disappointing, so were my taste buds. It was nothing close
to what we wanted. I decided to never step in that place again.

Sorry, my dear taste buds. I promise next time I will do better.

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