Friday, November 6, 2009

From Taiwan with Love

"From Taiwan with Love" was the title of my third Craig's Lists post
in the personal ads section. Although I didn't find my love
from that post, but I thought that title served the purpose pretty well.

I love James Bond movies. I still remember when my grandma took me
and my brother to see "Living Day Light" in Taipei. We had a meal
after the movie at a restaurant called Paris (巴黎西餐).
That restaurant is probably long gone.
My grandma passed away about 10 years ago.
The only thing that didn't change is that I still enjoy a James Bond movie.

I think I love movies because Grandma took me to a lot of movies
when I was a kid. I have some really vivid memories related to movies.
I got burned by a cigarette on my left hand when we were in a crowd
getting in the theater to see E.T. I was six.
It left a small rounded scar on my knuckle and I will never forget
that I was licking my wound through the movie.
I remember chewing on fried chicken necks or grilled dried squid
when we watched movies. Those are my favorite movie snacks.
Sorry, popcorn.

I started to go to movies by myself since college. Sometimes I only
had classes in the afternoon and I would watch the 10:30 then go to school.
It became more often after I came to New York. I didn't have many friends
(still don't) and sometimes just couldn't find anyone who wanted to see
the same movie at the same time. So I just went. I kind of like
that kind of freedom. Now I watch most of the movies with my boyfriend.
I love that, too. I love to have a arm to hold on to when something
sad or scary happens. However, I still enjoy going alone when he is on a
business trip. I watched "G.I.Joe" when he was away last time.
He thought it was stupid and refused to see it. I didn't mind,
I went at the Friday night. With some popcorn coated with caramel,
I enjoyed "G.I.Joe" with no expectation. Not every movie makes sense,
and sometimes I don't need it to be. It's ok.


  1. i love james bond flicks, too. my favorites are "on her majesty's secret service," "goldfinger," and the more modern one with the media mogul (elliot carver). good call, monica.

    in other news, i'm with aaron on g.i. joe. sorry.


  2. Probably because I've never watched G.I. Joe when I was a kid. So I didn't have any expectation. For me it was just some cool martial art moves and special effects, which was fun to watch without thinking.
